SGID Database Policy
The following applies to data in the internal SGID database.
Adding New Tables
When adding new data to the SGID, the steps outlined in the Porter project will be followed.
Additional, related info:
A corresponding record to the Data Stewardship spreadsheet will be added, and will contain at a minimum:
- The authoritative access from location
- The table name
- A description
- The data steward
- The steward contact name and email
- A link the the data page on the AGRC website
- A link to the SGID Open Data page
The ArcGIS Online Item will reside in the corresponding ISO category folder and contain the appropriate tags. If the data is authoritative, it will be marked as authoritative
. If the data does not receive updates, it will be tagged as static
. If the data has historical relevance but is not the most recent data it will be tagged as shelved
. Note: the AGOL Validator project will transfer metadata from the Internal SGID database, including summary, description, and use limitations.
If the data is shared with the SGID Open Data, it will have the enable multiple formats download option selected to allow for File Geodatabases and other non default downloads.
The minimum metadata content will be populated. When creating new metadata, it is recommended that you use the metadata form.
All empty geometries and duplicate records will be removed, with Sweeper or some other form of automation.
All new database domains will comply with the rule stating, domain values must match domain descriptions. See the domain document for more information on this effort.
The ESRI default Resolution and Tolerance will be used.
- XY Resolution: 0.0001 Meter
- XY Tolerance: 0.001 Meter
Dates in Table Names
Dates are acceptable in table names when content is related to either census
, political
, or tax
ISO categories. For all other categories, dates should only be used for tables that are no longer effective/active or soon-to-be effective/active. This implies that the most current and relevant data contains no date suffix. Historical or future data will contain a date suffix to help identification at a glance. The best way to learn about a dataset is to view the data page metadata.
Updating and Editing Existing Tables
No edits will be made to the internal SGID from 7:00PM to 10:00AM MST to allow for automated scripts to push accurate updates to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Server. AGRC will ensure that data is production-ready before the editing windows ends.
All database updates will be done during the editing window using swapper or some other automated process to reduce the amount of time with incomplete data.
All data updates being pushed into the SGID will have removed empty geometries and duplicate records with Sweeper or another automated process.
All edits made to the internal SGID will be captured in Last update date
in the metadata, in the SGID Update log, and as an update on the AGRC website data page.
If making a schema change, please consider updating any domain descriptions that do not match the domain value. See this document to learn more about this effort.
Removing SGID Products
When deprecating data or services in the SGID, please follow the steps outlined in the Porter project.